Q1. Limestones and chalk are
a. organically formed sedimentary rock
b. chemically formed sedimentary rock
c. Mechanically formed sedimentary rock
d. Metamorphosed sedimentary rock
Answer: a
Explanation: Lime stones and chalk are organically formed sedimentary rock derived from accumulation of corals and shells in sea.
Q2. Consider the following statements
1. Dolomite is a form of sandstone.
2. Chalk is very pure form of limestone.
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: b
Explanation: lime stone in pure form is made up of calcite or calcium carbonate but where magnesium is also present it is termed dolomite.
Q3. which of the following are true about karst region?
1. A region with large stretch of limestone.
2. There is absence of surface drainage.
3. In the karst region streams are visible for short distance
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 1 and 2
c.Only 2 and 3
d.1,2 and 3
b.Only 1 and 2
c.Only 2 and 3
d.1,2 and 3
Answer: d
Explanation: In the karst region there is absence of surface drainage. Most of surface water has gone underground. Streams rising on other rocks flow only over limestone for a short distance and then disappear underground.
Q4. With reference to vegetation of karst regions which of the following are true?
1. It Support only poor grass and short turf.
2. In temperate regions vegetation is luxuriant.
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 1 and 2
c.Only 2 and 3
d.1,2 and 3
b.Only 1 and 2
c.Only 2 and 3
d.1,2 and 3
Answer: b
Explanation: in tropical regions vegetation is luxuriant because of heavy rainfall all the year round.
Q5. Which of the following are economic benefits of karst regions?
1. Mica is the only mineral of importance in Karst regions.
2. Limestone is used as building material and quarried for cement industry.
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: b
Explanation: Lead is the only mineral of importance in Karst regions which occurs in veins in association with limestone. Good quality lime stone is used as building material and quarried for cement industry.
Q6. Consider the following statements regarding chalk?
1. Landforms of chalk are different from limestones
2. Chalk landforms are used for pastures.
3. There is little are no surface drainage in chalk landforms.
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 1 and 2
c.Only 2 and 3
d.1,2 and 3
b.Only 1 and 2
c.Only 2 and 3
d.1,2 and 3
Answer: d
Explanation: The chalk is covered with short turf and in places with woodland it is used for pastures and sometimes for arable farming.
Q7. consider the following statement
1. Salt lakes provide valuable rock salt
2. Common salt obtained from Dead Sea is indispensable for human well being
3. Gypsum, borax is also mined from lakes
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 1 and 2
c.Only 2 and 3
d.1,2 and 3
b.Only 1 and 2
c.Only 2 and 3
d.1,2 and 3
Answer: d
Explanation: Borax is obtained in huge quantities from salt lakes of Mojave Desert. Gypsum is obtained from Lakes in Berlin.
Q8. Consider the following statements
1.beavers are animals that live in communities and construct dams across the river with timber.
2.beaver dams are quite temporary.
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: a
Explanation: beaver dams are permanent and are found in North America.
Q9. solvent action of rainwater on which of the following rock creates hollows which eventually forms lakes.
1.rock salt
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: c
Explanation: The solvent action of rainwater in limestone carves out solution hollows. Solution is important in other rocks such as rock salt.
Q10. With reference to formation of lakes, which of following are true?
1. Tectonic lakes are formed by bending and fracturing of earth’s crust.
2. Rift valley lakes are formed due to folding of earth crust.
Select the correct answer from the following codes
a.Only 1
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
b.Only 2
c.Both 1 and 2
d.Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: a
Explanation: Rift valley lakes are formed due to faulting of earth crust.
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