Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Newspaper articles- 16th January,2017

The Hindu

Front Page / NATIONAL

Stay on hearing public appeals till polls: The Election Commission has issued an order barring chief ministers, ministers and political appointees in the five poll-bound States from hearing appeals filed by people before statutory bodies till the election process was over as their decisions could influence voters.
Why can’t FM stations broadcast news, asks SC: If the Supreme Court has its way, private FM radio stations will have an essential role to play in the world’s oldest democracy — dissemination of news.


Julian Assange: Scapegoat or villain?: To blame Donald Trump’s victory on Julian Assange or, for that matter, on Russia, not only amounts to a refusal by the Democrats to take responsibility for Hillary’s defeat but is also an insult to the U.S. electorate.
Smoking e-cigarettes is injurious to health: In the absence of clear evidence on the effect of e-cigarettes on tobacco de-addiction, the sale of these products must be accompanied by accurate health warnings.


‘Govt., industry must fight abuse of market power together’: The consent of all stakeholders, such as the Centre and businesses, is needed to implement norms, right up to the municipal level, against abuse of market power and other illegal practices restricting free trade and competition among businesses.
Market regulator tightens merger normsSEBI aims to ensure wider public holding, prevent mergers of large unlisted firms with small ones.
It’s time to say ‘Irasshaimase’ to Japan: The spirit of ‘welcome’ should aim to cut red tape, remove infrastructure challenges and avoid project delays in India.
‘We expect budget to boost employment’: While there are hopes and apprehensions on the extent to which the Budget provisions would revive investment and demand, questions abound on how the Budget can be inclusive in its approach and delineate a roadmap for creation of job opportunities.

Science and Technology

Epic Antarctic voyage maps seafloor to predict ocean rise: In East Antarctica, 3,000 km south of the West Australian town of Albany, an ice shelf the size of California is melting from below.
India superbug resistant to available antibiotics?: While CRE are not new, what was new in this case is that the infection was resistant or non-susceptible to all available antimicrobial drugs.

Indian Express

From plate to plough: Growth amidst gloomAgriculture GDP bucks the trend of decline in other sectors. But can the government help the farmers sustain this growth?
The China bogey: New Delhi’s frustration with Beijing ought not lead it into a too-quick embrace of a US-led military alliance.
Prepare for ‘slow down India’: The only engine that appeared to be running was government expenditure. In this scenario, what can be expected regarding the growth rate in 2016-17?

Live Mint

Demonetisation debates, redux: A sharper temporary liquidity crunch, inflicting higher short-term costs, will likely induce, in the end, greater medium- to long-term gains in the form of digitization and formalization.
Reconsidering the 4% inflation target: In determining the inflation target, there appears to be a trade-off between overcoming the zero lower bound problem and improving welfare.
Water as a force for peace: The growing recognition of water’s strategic relevance reflects global developments.

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