Saturday, 9 July 2016

Clearias:: How to study geography for UPSC Prelims & Mains

Geography is an important topic for IAS Preliminary as well as Main Exam. The discipline of Geography is broadly divided into Physical Geography and Human Geography. The concepts of Geography need to be applied to questions related to Indian Geography as well as World Geography.
This post is a compilation of the most viewed notes on Indian geography and World geography, which we feel you shouldn’t miss. Beginners may treat this link as an index/sitemap for geography section. If you are looking for the full database of all of our articles on geography, browse our geography notescategory.

Most Viewed Articles Under Geography Section

How to study Indian Geography?

Physcial Geography

Human Geography

Books to study Geography?

The best source to study Geography is NCERT Text books from Standard 6 to 12. Most of the topics are explained in very simple language in the basic text books and it’s really helpful for the exam. Other useful books for Geography topics are:
  1. Geography of India – Majid Husain.
  2. Oxford School Atlas – Oxford OR Orient Blackswan Atlas.
  3. Certificate Physical and Human Geography – Goh Cheng Leong.
  4. India: A Comprehensive Geography – D.R. Khullar.
  5. Physical Geography – Savindra Singh.
  6. Human Geography – Majid Hussain.

Indian Geography In Brief : Topics To Cover

Indian Geography can be divided into three – Physical Geography, Economic Geography and Social Geography. The major sub-topics under Physical Indian Geography are Physio-graphic divisions, Drainage, Climate, Vegetation, Natural Resources etc. Topics related to environment like Wild-life, Soil, Flora etc should be given stress too. Economic and Social Geography related aspects of Indian Geography should the studied in parallel to Physical Geography. Tip : NCERT Books will turn really handy for preparation of Economic and Social Geography.

Physio-graphic regions

  1. Mountains (Himalayas).
  2. Northern Plains.
  3. Peninsular Plateau.
  4. Coastal Plains.
  5. Islands.


  1. Himalayan Rivers.
  2. Peninsular Rivers.

Climate + Four Seasons of India

  1. Hot Weather Season.
  2. Advancing Monsoon.
  3. Retreating Monsoon.
  4. Cold Weather Season.


  1. Tropical Rain-forest.
  2. Tropical Deciduous Forests. (Monsoon Forests)
  3. Mountain Vegetation.
  4. Desert Vegetation.
  5. Marshy land Vegetation.

Natural Resources

  1. Minerals including Petroleum and Natural Gas.
  2. Wild Life.
  3. Forests.
  4. Water.
  5. Soil.

Human Geo: Economic Geography

Study in detail about the economic activities related to Agriculture, Industries and Services in different areas of India. Learn how the geography of a region affect the economic prosperity of the same.

Human Geo: Social Geography

Learn more the details like Demographics, poverty, hunger, literacy rates, unemployment etc. in a geography perspective.

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