Saturday, 9 July 2016

upscdictionary:: Teachings of Buddha (3 Jewels, 4 noble truths, 8 fold path)

Teachings of Buddha

Teachings of Buddha
Teachings of Buddha

Buddha Path

Buddha and Buddhist followed middle path, not fully worldly pleasures and not painful life, but middle path which is not to extreme ends

Worldly pleasures<————-MIDDLE PATH——————–>painful

Buddha on Violence

Buddha condemned violence was against any form of killings – Principle of Ahimsa

Buddha on Rebirth and Karma and God

Buddha followed theory of Rebirth and Karma- Principle saying that man is again due to ego and desire, karma frees him from the bondage of Re-birth
Buddhism believed in the non existence of God and soul

Teachings of Buddha

3- Jewels/Tri Ratnas of Buddha, Also Called as Three Treasures

Buddha (Enlightened/Awakened One)
Can be interpreted as Buddha Nature that exist in Humans
Dharma/Dhamma (Doctrine/teachings)
The teachings and Philosophies of Buddha
Sangha (Community/Order)
The community who follow and practicing Buddhist referred as Buddhist Monks and Nuns

4- Noble truths

Noble Truths
DukkhaWorld is full of Sorrows
Pratitya Samutpada (Craving and Ignorance)Reason and Cause of the Sorrow is Desire
Nirvana/NirodaIgnorance/Sorrow can be removed through Knowledge
Ashtangika Marga (Eight Folded Path)Eight practices that end suffering

8- Fold Path

Eight – Fold Path (Ashtangika Marga)
1.) Right Understanding
2.) Right thought
3.) Right Speech
4.) Right Action
5.) Right Livelihood
6.) Right Effort
7.) Right Mindfulness
8.) Right Concentration

Buddhist use  Pali language in there literature

Literature and Sects of Buddhism

Buddhism was divided into 3 sects
  1. Hinayana
  2. Mahayana
  1. Vajrayana
HINAYANA(Lesser Wheel)
Believed in original teachings of Buddha, firstly called Sthaviravadins, later they were called as Hinayana, it mainly focus strict follow of true teachings of Buddha, strict meditation and Monestic path to Enlightenment)
Hinayana or lesser wheel indicates the sense, that only a few can follow the original buddhist principles and forward to enlightened path
Division of Budhhisum into Hinayana and Mahayana happened during the period of Kanishka at the time of fourth Buddhist council.
MAHAYANA(Large wheel)
Belived in liberal principles of Buddha teachings, try to understand true meaning of budhha’s teaching and follow, to move towards enlightened path
Mahayana allows some changes in Buddha practices.
Mahayana or greater wheel indicates the sense, that many can follow these liberal Buddha principles and move towards enlightened path
Tantrik philosophy which led to the emergence of Vajrayana sect of Buddhism 
Vajrayana Buddhism, also known as the “Diamond” or “Thunderbolt Vehicle,” is a form of Buddhism that developed in India in the 5th century C.E


Consists of Three Pitak or ‘Tripitak’
1.) Vinaya Pitaka
Contains the Rules of Communal Life for Monks and Nuns
2.) Sutta Pitaka
Collection of Sermons of the Buddha
3.) Abhidhamma Pitaka
Contains Interpretations and Analyses of Buddhist Concept
Refer Here Buddha Mudras
Refer Here Buddha Councils

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