Saturday, 9 July 2016

upscdictionary:: Buddhist Councils

Buddhist Councils

Buddhist Councils
Buddhist Councils
The Buddhist council is the order and the emphasis on laying the path to spread the Buddhism to different regions, the first four councils are very prominent and are described in the following table, year of establishment, place, Patronage/King, President of the council

1st Council

1st CouncilHeld after Mahaparinivarana of Buddha in Sattapani Cave
Year400 BCE
PlaceRajgriha (Now Rajgir)
President of CouncilMahakasyapa
Important ActivityCompilation of Suttas
  • Suttas – Recited by Ananda (Containing Teaching of Buddha)
  • Vinaya – Recited by Upali (Contains Rules and Orders to be followed for Buddhist)
  • Abhidhamma Pitaka also included

2nd Council

Year383 BCE
President of CouncilSabakamini
Important ActivitySettle serious dispute on Vinaya
Over the 10 points
The different Schools are
  • Sthaviravada (Sect of the Elders)
  • Mahasanghika (Liberal School)
  • Sarvastivadin
  • (Orthodox School)

3rd Council

3rd Council3rd Buddhist council, Tried to settle disputes of Vinaya Pitaka
Year250 BCE
PlacePataliputra (today’s Patna)
Patronage/KingMauryan king Ashoka (260–218 BC)
President of CouncilMoggaliputta Tissa
Important ActivityThe teachings of Buddha classified in 3. Abhidhamma Pitaka established and the 3 combined known as “Tripitaka”

4th Council

Year72 AD
PlaceKundalvana (Kashmir)
Patronage/KingKushan king Kanishka
President of CouncilVasumitra
Important ActivityDivided the Buddhism into 2 sects
1.) Mahayan
2.) Hinayan

The other Buddhist councils

5th Council

Year1871 AD
PlaceIn Mandalay,Burma
Patronage/KingKing Mindon
President of CouncilJagarabhivamsa
Important ActivityThe aim of meeting is to recite all the teachings of the Buddha and examine them in detail to see if any of them have been altered, distorted or dropped.

6th Council

6th Council500 Buddhist scholars from  eight countries participated in this council
Year1954 AD
PlaceBurma in Yangoon
Patronage/KingBurmese Govt led by PM U Nu
President of CouncilMahasi Sayadaw  Bhadanta and
Important ActivityAuthorized for the construction of
“Maha Passana Guha” (Cave)
like India’s Sattapanni Cave
where first Buddhist Council had been held

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