Saturday, 9 July 2016

upscdictionary:: Vedic literature (Rig, Sama, Yajur, Atharva)

Vedic literature

Vedic literature are the Golden Treatise in the Indian History and are classified as follows
  • Rigveda
    Vedic literature
    Vedic literature
  • Samaveda
  • Yajurveda
  • Atharvaveda
  • Upanishads, Brahmanas,Aranyakas, Vedangas, Upavedas, Philosophy, Sutras, Puranas, Epics, Smritis.

Rig Veda (Early one)

Rig vedas

Collection of 1028 Hymns mostly prayers to God, used at the time of performing prayers and scarifies to gods
The book has been divided into 10 chapters called as mandalas, of these chapters 2-7 are old and 1, 8, 9, 10 are NEW
Rig Veda has many things in common with Zend Avesta(Persian Book)
Ten mandals are highly important from the examination point of view. And have been asked in previous prelims papers.
1st Mandala – Contains 191 hymns in which hymn 1.1 addressed to God Agni, and the name Agni is the first word of Rig Veda. And other Hymns are addressed to gods Indra, Varuna, Vishnu and other gods
2nd Mandala – Contains 43 Hymns refers to gods Agni and Indra and mainly attributed to the Rishi Grtsamada Saunahotra
3rd Mandala – Contains 62 Hymns, refers to gods mainly Agni and Indra. The famous Gayatri mantra <mark></mark> is found in this mandal Vishvedevas
4th Mandala – Contains 58 Hymns also refers to Gods Agni and Indra as well as other gods
5th Mandala – Contains 87 Hymns also refers to Gods Agni and Indra  and others
6th Mandala – Contains 75 Hymns also refers to Agni and Indra Gods and others
7th Mandala – Contains 104 Hymns refers to Agni, Indra, saraswati, Vishnu and others Gods
8th Mandala – Contains 103 hymns refers to various gods
9th Mandala – Contains 114 Hymns devoted to Soma. Famously know as Soma Mandala
10th Mandala – Contains 191 Hymns addressed to Agni God and other Deities
Nasadiya Sukta which talks about the origin of the Universe is in 10th Mandala.

The Samaveda

Contains melodies and chants of vedic times

The Yajurveda

Contains the ritual offerings formulas and Hymns that were to be recited by the priest while performing ritual actions (Yajna fire)

The Atharvaveda

Also called as veda of magical formulas to address superstitious anxiety, evilspirits etc

The term upanishada is knowledge, acquired by sitting close to the teacher.  Also called vedarita, because they denote the last phase of the vedic period.
They are spiritual and philosophical in nature and reveal the aim of the Vedas.  They define the doctrine ofkarmaAtma (soul)Brahma (god)Origin of Universe.
These Upanishads are 108 in number

These are the prose commentaries on various vedic hymns.  They explain Vedas in an orthodox way. They explain the hidden meaning behind the hymns.
The most important is the Satapatha Brahmana attached to yujurveda.  It recommends one hundred sacred paths.

The sagas dwelling is the forest explained the Vedic scriptures to their pupils in the form of Aranyakas.  This has magical power and they form the concluding part of Brahmanas.

They are the limbs of the Vedas. These are treatises on science and arts.
  • Shiksha (Deals with pronunciation)
  • Kalpa (Deals with rituals)
  • Vyakarana (Grammar)
  • Nirukta (Etymology)
  • Chhanda (Metrics)
  • Jyotisha (Astronomy)
  • Panini wrote Ashtadhyayi (4th century BC) on Vyakarana (grammar)

There are 4 Upavedas-
Dhanuraveda (Upaveda of Yajurveda) – Deals with the art of warfare.
Gandhraveda (Upaveda of Samaveda) – Deals with art and music.
Shilpaveda (Upaveda of Atharaveda) – Deals with architecture.
Ayurveda (Upaveda of Rigveda) – Deals with medicine.

Six systems of philosophies, given by 6 philosophers of ancient India
S. NoPhilosophiesWriters
1Nyaya (Analysis)Gautama
2Sankhya (Enumeration)Kapila
3Yoga (Application)Patanjali
4Purva Mimansa (Enquiry)Jaimini
5Uttara Mimansa (Vedanta)Vyasa

These include
  • Mythology
  • Cosmogeny
  • Stories of Various legends
  • Folk belief
  • Law codes and miscellaneous topics
It refers to the change in the mode of worship (from sacrifice to Idol worship) and visual appeal of deities as against the worship of ideas.

The Mahabharata, written by Ved Vyas, is older than the Ramayana. Orginally Mahabharata consisted of 880 verses, and then it was raised to 24000 verses.
Ramayana written by Valmiki, originally consisted 6000 verses, which was raised to 12000 and finally 24000 verses.

Sutra literature is divided into 3 classes
1.) Srauta Sutra – Dealing with large Public Sacrifice
2.) Griha Sutra – Dealing with rituals connected with Birth, naming and marriage
3.) Dharma Sutra – Explains Social and Local Customs

Dharam shastra is the other name for smritis, which are the law books written in sloka form.  The important smritis are Manav Dharama shastraVishnu Dharama ShatraYajnavalkya Smriti and Narada smriti.
Manav Dharma Shastra or Manusmriti is the oldest, and most famous.  Manu is supposed to be the first king and law maker.

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