Saturday, 9 July 2016

upscdictionary:: Indus Valley Civilization (Agriculture, Animals and Trade)

Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization


  1. Agriculture was the backbone of the civilization. The soil was fertile due to inundation in the river Indus.
  2. They used wooden plough share (Evidence ploughed field fromkalibangan) and stone sickles for harvesting.
  3. Crops produced were wheat, barley, dates, peas, sesamum, mustard, millet, ragi, bajra and jowar. At Lothal and Rangpur rice husks were found.
  4. Indus valley civilized people were 1st to produce cotton in the world, which Greeks called as Sindon derived from sind. A fragment of woven cotton cloth was found at Mohenjodaro.
  5. Well-irrigation is evident from the dams and irrigation canals found at Dholavira sugarcane was not known to the Indus people


  1. Animal rearing was practiced. They domesticated buffaloes, oxens, sheep, asses, goats, pigs, elephants, dogs, cats, etc
  2. Camel bones are reported at kalibangan and remains of horse are discovered from Surkotada.

TRADE (Includes Imports and Exports)

  1. Agriculture, industry and forest provided the basis for internal and external trade.
  2. Trade was based on barter system coins are not evident. Bullock carts and boats were used for transportation.
  3. Weights and measures were made of limestone, steatite etc. generally in cubical shape and in multiples of 16.
  4. Foreign trade flourished with Mesopotamia or sumeria Iraq, Central Asia, Persia, Afghanistan and Bahrain.

Towns and trade important

Harappa Towns
Famous Industry
DaimabadBronze Industry

Lothal FactoryStone tools, Metallic finished goods

BajakotPearl Finished goods, Bangle and Shell Industry

ChanhudaroBeads and Bangles factory

KalibanganaBangles factory

Major Imports of Indus Valley Civilization

Gold1.     Kolar (Karnataka)
2.     Afghanistan
3.     Persia (Iran)

Silver1.     Afghanistan
2.     Persia (Iran)
3.     South India

Copper1.     Khetri (Rajasthan)
2.     Balochistan
3.     Arabia

Tin1.     Afghanistan
2.     Hazaribagh (jharkhand)

Lapis lazuli and Saphire1.     Badak-Shan (Afghanistan)

Jade1.     Central Asia

Steatite1.     Shahr-i-Sokhta
2.     Kirthar Hills

Amethyst1.     Maharashtra

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Indus Valley Civilization

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