Agricultural productivity
Agriculture has been a way of life and continues to be the single most important livelihood of the masses. Agricultural policy focus in India across decades has been on self-sufficiency and self-reliance in foodgrains production. Considerable progress has been made on this front but it is falling short due to the rise in demand.
In the geographical aspect India has the highest advantage of farm area under cultivation, but the yield is neither encouraging nor remunerative to the cultivators.
So the solution lies in increasing productivity of agriculture. Hence to understand the different methods that can improve agricultural productivity in India following articles have been chosen from the Kurukshetra:
a) Technology Innovations to Increase Productivity in Agriculture
b) Efficient Use of Fertilizers can Increase Agricultural Production
c) Increasing Agriculture Productivity in Rainfed Areas
d) Climate Change-Impact on Agriculture
e) Milking It Right : The Problems and Prospects of the Dairy Sector in India
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Technology Innovations to Increase Productivity in Agriculture
Efficient Use of Fertilizers can Increase Agricultural Production
Increasing Agriculture Productivity in Rainfed Areas
Climate Change
Milking It Right
Rural Migration
Migration (human) is the movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up permanent or semi-permanent residence, usually across a political boundary.
Rural-urban migration is increasing as the growth rates in agricultural production and income has been noted to be low, unstable and disparate across regions over the past several decades, resulting in lack of livelihood opportunities in rural areas. A low rate of infrastructural investment in public sector in the period of structural adjustment - necessary for keeping budgetary deficits low – also have affected agriculture adversely. This has led to out-migration from several backward rural areas, most of the migrants being absorbed within urban informal economy.
But the capacity of the cities and towns to assimilate the migrants by providing employment, access to land, basic amenities etc. are limited. Rural urban migration has often been considered the major factor for growth of slums in urban areas. Hence to understand the basics of migration and its impact following articles have been selected from Kurukshetra:
But the capacity of the cities and towns to assimilate the migrants by providing employment, access to land, basic amenities etc. are limited. Rural urban migration has often been considered the major factor for growth of slums in urban areas. Hence to understand the basics of migration and its impact following articles have been selected from Kurukshetra:
a) Rural India: Still Floating Towards Cities
b) Can we Check Migration from rural areas?
c) Migration : Impact & Relevance of Remittance On Rural Areas
d) Prospects for Development of Non-Conventional and Renewable Sources of Energy for Rural Development
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Rural India
Can we Check Migration from rural areas?
Prospects for Development
Land resource
Land is the most important component of the life support system. It is the most important natural resource which embodies soil and water, and associated flora and fauna involving the ecosystem on which all man’s activities are based. Land is a finite resource.
Land availability is only about 20% of the earth’s surface. Land is crucial for all developmental activities, for natural resources, ecosystem services and for agriculture. Growing population, growing needs and demands for economic development, clean water, food and other products from natural resources, as well as degradation of land and negative environmental impacts are posing increasing pressures to the land resources in many countries of the world.
There is a need for optimal utilisation of land resources. There is a need to cater land for industrialisation and for development of essential infrastructure facilities and for urbanisation. While at the same time, there is a need to ensure high quality delivery of services of ecosystems that come from natural resource base and to cater to the needs of the farmers that enable food security, both of which are of vital significance for the whole nation. Also, there is a need for preservation of the country’s natural, cultural and historic heritage areas. In every case, there is a need for optimal utilisation of land resources.
Thus to understand different aspects of conserving land resource following articles have been selected from Kurukshetra:
1. Land Use and Agrarian Relations
2. Land Management can improve rural economy
3. Land Records Modernization
4. Dryland Conservation
5. Initiatives to sustain Land Resource Development
6. Linking Rural Resources with Development Planning
2. Land Management can improve rural economy
3. Land Records Modernization
4. Dryland Conservation
5. Initiatives to sustain Land Resource Development
6. Linking Rural Resources with Development Planning
Land Use and Agrarian Relations
Land Management can improve rural economy
Land Records Modernization
Dryland Conservation
Initiatives to sustain Land Resource Development
Linking Rural Resources with Development Planning
Education for all
The Education for All is enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as well as in the principles and goals of the main international rights conventions and summits. It establishes that all children and adolescents are entitled to free, quality education, with the State bearing full responsibility for guaranteeing it throughout the life cycle.
There are three basic components to the Education for All: access to education, the right to receiving quality education and the right to fair treatment in schools.
Education enriches people’s understanding of themselves and world. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education raises people’s productivity and creativity and promotes entrepreneurship and technological advances.
But the greater challenge today is to evolve an educational system that is dialogic and promotes creative engagement with the world for social transformation.
Hence to understand the different dimensions of education and its importance following articles have been taken from the Yojana:
a) Language Resource and Higher Education
b) The Transformative Potential of Teacher Education
c) Inclusion, Equity and Elementary Education
d) Cinderella Goes to School: Education of Girls in India
e) Equal Opportunity Education: Abandoned Agenda?
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Language Resource and Higher Education
The Transformative Potential of Teacher Education
Inclusion, Equity and Elementary Education
Cinderella Goes to School: Education of Girls in India
Equal Opportunity Education
Democracy and electoral reforms
Free and fair elections guarantee the growth of a healthy democracy in the country. The ‘Fair’ denotes equal opportunity to all people. Universal adult suffrage conferred on the citizens of India by the Constitution has made it possible for millions of individual voters to go to the polls and thus participate in the governance of our country.
But for democracy to survive, it is essential that the best available men should be chosen as people’s representatives for proper governance of the country. This can be best achieved through men of high moral and ethical values, who win the elections on a positive vote. But corruption, money power and crime is poisoning the tree of democracy.
Hence to understand the present electoral scenario and reforms needed in it, following articles have been taken from Yojana:
a) Electoral Reforms through the Years
b) Hyper Plurality of Candidates and Indian Electoral Reforms
c) The Electoral Participation of Women
d) UID Project: Does Evidence Matter?
e) Electoral Reform and the Deepening of Democracy in India
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Electoral Reforms through the Years
Hyper Plurality of Candidates and Indian Electoral Reforms
The Electoral Participation of Women
UID Project
Electoral Reform and the Deepening of Democracy in India
Rural education and sustainable development
Access to education in rural India remains an issue as every village is not provided with a school which means students have to walk to other villages to attend a school. Besides, many students are not attending school due to poverty, unsocial atmosphere at home and negligence of parents In addition there is shortage of teachers, especially good quality teachers; poor infrastructure also remains a major issue in rural India. Some Government schools lack basic infrastructure in some villages.
But education in the rural segments is not only important to eradicate poverty and illiteracy, but also for a variety of other social, economic as well as cultural and political reasons.
Hence to understand the different dimensions and benefits of rural education following articles have been taken from Kurukshetra:
a) Rural Education - The Way Forward
b) Education For Rural People - A Crucial Factor for Sustainable Development
c) Role of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in Education
d) Sustainable Development: Rural Education Matters
e) Vocationalisation of Education for Sustainable Rural Development
f) An Appraisal of Rural Education
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Rural Education
Education For Rural People
Role of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in Education
Sustainable Development: Rural Education Matters
Vocationalisation of Education for Sustainable Rural Development
An Appraisal of Rural Education
Rural Credit
Agriculture and rural sectors play an important role in India’s overall development strategy in terms of income and employment generation and poverty alleviation
The renewed emphasis on agricultural and rural development by the Government of India would lead to a growing demand for different types of financial services in the rural areas. The institutional structure of rural banking consists of several institutions, namely, commercial banks, regional rural banks (RRBs), cooperatives and land development banks. The aim of the rural credit agencies is to dispense adequate credit at cheaper rates.
Thus to understand the role of rural credit, its trend and problems following articles have been taken from Kurukshetra:
a) Rural Credit - A growth catalyst
b) Progress and Performance of “Kisan Credit Card” for Rural Development
c) Recent Trends And Problems In Micro-Finance
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Rural Credit
Progress and Performance of Kisan Credit Card for Rural Development
Recent Trends And Problems In Micro-Finance
Empowering Rural Women
Rural women are key agents for achieving the transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development.
They play crucial roles ensuring food and nutrition security, eradicating rural poverty and improving the well-being of their families yet continue to face serious challenges as a result of gender-based stereotypes and discrimination that deny them equitable access to opportunities, resources, assets and services.
Empowering them is a key not only to the well-being of individuals, families and rural communities, but also to overall economic productivity, given women’s large presence in the agricultural workforce worldwide.
Hence to understand the different dimensions and benefits of empowering rural women, following articles have been chosen from Kurukshetra:
a) Government Initiatives to Empower Women-Areas of Concern
b) Empowering Rural Women: A Step Towards Inclusive Growth
c) Where Do Women Stand In Rural India?
d) Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development
e) Empowering Women For Food Security
f) Tools For Women Empowerment and Gender Equality
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Government Initiatives to Empower Women
Empowering Rural Women
Where Do Women Stand In Rural India
Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development
Empowering Women For Food Security
Tools For Women Empowerment and Gender Equality
Administrative reforms
Indian bureaucracy has been formed on the basis of Weberian theory. Weber's ideal-typical bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical organization, delineated lines of authority in a fixed area of activity, action taken on the basis of and recorded in written rules, bureaucratic officials need expert training, rules are implemented by neutral officials, career advancement depends on technical qualifications judged by organization, not individuals.
But there is a rapid increase in the function of the state under an ideological obsession of a welfare concept. With the increase in the activities of the government in the field of economic and social well being of the people, the responsibilities of the government have greatly expanded.
This requires changes in the administrative functioning to handle the new welfare responsibilities. Thus following articles have been taken from Yojana to understand the emerging paradigms of Administrative reforms:
a) Reforming Public Services: Embracing A New Management Philosophy
b) Governance: Civil Service & Politician Interface
c) Administering in an Age of Global Regulation
d) Emerging Paradigms of Administrative Reforms
e) A Civil Service for the 21st Century
f) Was Judicial Intervention in Management of Civil Services Required?
g) People Centric Administration
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Reforming Public Services
Administering in an Age of Global Regulation
Emerging Paradigms of Administrative Reforms
A Civil Service for the 21st Century
Was Judicial Intervention in Management of Civil Services Required
People Centric Administration
Technology, Innovation and Knowledge economy
Science and technology have acquired increasing importance in the development of contemporary societies. Governments, firms, universities, and research laboratories all take part in the process of building what has been conceptualized as national and/or regional science and technology systems. The actions of these key players and the interactions between them determine the impact of science and technology activities and, more generally, of innovation strategies on the well-being of nations.
As India embarks on its ambitious journey in the new era of globalized and interconnected world, it needs to build an environment where each individual is a source of creativity.
Hence to understand the importance of technology and innovation in economic growth, the following articles have been taken from ‘Yojana’:
• Technological Innovation in Manufacturing SMES: A Decisive Means of Competitiveness
• E-Waste Management by Indigenous Microorganisms
• Innovation and Globalization
• Innovation Revolution: Harnessing India’s Diversity
• Positioning India as an Innovation Driven Economy
• International Lessons on Innovation For Socio Economic Development In India
These Articles will provide a complete gist of the different dimensions on the topic which will prove to be fruitful in writing Mains answers.
Technological Innovation in Manufacturing SMES
E-Waste Management by Indigenous Microorganisms
Innovation and Globalization
Innovation Revolution
Positioning India as an Innovation Driven Economy
International Lessons on Innovation For Socio Economic Development In India
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