Friday, 8 July 2016

iasscore:: 'Nai Manzil' Scheme

'Nai Manzil' Scheme

The ‘Nai Manzil’ scheme has been launched, for the first time in Jammu and Kashmir. 
Under the scheme girls from minority communities will be imparted three month skill development training in seven identified sectors relevant to the region. 
These include training in saffron processing, food processing, embroidery, computers IT (both software and hardware), Tourism/hospitality, electronics and plumbing. Trainees will also be given stipend of Rs.4500/-for the course. 
About the Scheme
• Nai Manzil Scheme is an integrated Education and Livelihood Initiative for the Minority Communities. 
• The scheme aims to benefit the minority youths who are school-dropouts or educated in the community education institutions like Madrasas, by providing them an integral input of formal education (up till Class VIII or X) and skill training along with certification. 
• This will enable them to seek better employment in the organised sector and equipping them with better lives. The scheme covers the entire country. 
• It is a new direction and a new goal for the all out of school/dropped out students and those studying in Madrasas. It is so because they will not be getting formal Class XII and Class X Certificates rendering them largely un-employed in organised sector. 
The scheme aims at providing educational intervention by giving the bridge courses to the trainees and getting them Certificates for Class XII and X from distance medium educational system and at the same time also provide them trade basis skill training in 4 courses : 
1. Manufacturing 
2. Engineering 
3. Services 
4. Soft skills 
The scheme is intended to cover people in between 17 to 35 age group from all minority communities as well as Madrasa students. 
This scheme will provide avenues for continuing higher education and also open up employment opportunities in the organised sector. 

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